Welcome to the support site of LAC stick trainer
(We apologize for the representation we use automatic translation part. Difficult to understand)You can tell folks the news today is a great happiness for me.Current version 1.0 is under construction. Is scheduled to be released for the ipad soon.
"LAC stick trainer" is to be familiar with the handling of the RC helicopter is the tool of interest.
Have been considered in order to make familiar with the flight of micro-sized helicopter, especially CP.
There is also a mobile simulator in the first generation also available on the iPad.To learn how to move the cyclic stick in particular, has 17 lessons in the training step is a special studio to display the score to achieve its goals in it.
Map for the free flight is still only two. (Will increase from this. I'm sorry)Another one is the training and outdoor studio is made of Sky box.
Can be inverted flight is only one model is still, unfortunately. Helicopter airframe model is a micro that W.
addition to
1, view more than one option (to view larger aircraft, downward view, onboard FPV)
2, look at the logic of three zoom settings and the camera's automatic.
3, setting dual rate and exponential
4, eachChange the size of the cross marker on UI.
5, display a view helper (trail, the forward horizon, target instruction in lessons)
Future are considered as follows.
Implementation of more realistic flight engine.
(Such as high-resolution graphics for the new generation iPad) models and maps added.
(Proper use of cyclic and throttle) flight training lessons for reversal.
The number of additional features over the other ten.
This is the first version. Must be raised now. I'm really happy.
and I need your support.
Please tell me the good and usage, bug reports and requests made to use us.
To expose some screenshots first.
thank for watching.